Health Service Administration (B.A.)

Business mindset can help you grow in HealthCare

Healthcare professionals have the power to transform people’s lives.

The B.A. program in Business Administration with a Specialization in Health Service Administration prepare students for careers in the health services industry byc improving the quality and efficiency in the industry. Students learn to make strategic decisions, lead projects, and manage budgets through their understanding of healthcare trends, quality assurance, ethical issues, public policy, management of key financial metrics, and risk management.

Transform your future by protecting others

Program Highlights:

  • Capstone research project that integrates acquired healthcare knowledge, business skills, legal and ethical foundations, strategic and critical thinking, and leadership in healthcare organizations.
  • Hands-on internship opportunities in actual healthcare settings
  • Instructors with real-world experience
young woman looking through files at doctor's office

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Health Service Administration minor can pursue a wide range of career paths including:

Nursing Home and Residential Administrator

Practice Administrator

Human Resources Manager

Medical Billing Manager

Hospital Administrator

Managed Care Organizations

If you have any questions about our Health Services Administration specialization, email Professor Stephanie Johnson.