Military Deployment and Relocation

St. Andrews supports its students who are in active duty, reserve, or national guard service.

 Please follow these instructions if you receive orders for deployment, active duty training (ADT) or other military obligations that require you to miss classes for an extended (or indefinite) period of time:

Preparing to go

  1. Provide your advisor and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs a copy of your orders. This is our official documentation of your status and helps us assist you in planning.
  2. If your orders commence and conclude within the same semester, contact your advisor and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for assistance in contacting your professors to determine whether it is possible for you to submit work early, miss the anticipated classes, and return to class to successfully complete the semester. If such arrangements are not possible, your advisor and/or the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will assist you in withdrawing from courses or requesting grades of Incomplete. Follow these same procedures if you receive orders requiring you to be absent during final examinations.
  3. If your orders extend beyond the current semester, consult with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, your advisor and your professors to determine whether you should withdraw from courses with a grade of W, complete assignments early and receive a grade for the course, or arrange a grade of I (Incomplete). The Incomplete option should only be exercised if you are reasonably sure you will be able to complete course requirements by the next semester’s deadline for clearing grades of Incomplete.
  4. In the event that your orders are received after the deadline for withdrawing from a course with a grade of W, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will assist you in petitioning for a policy exception.
  5. Contact the Financial Aid Office and the Business Office to determine any refunds or financial settlements that may be owed you or others. Refunds will be processed in compliance with college policies and guidelines of the various financial aid providers.
  6. Consider granting Power of Attorney to an individual to act on your behalf to request transcripts or register for classes on your behalf. Forms for making this designation are available through your command office or through public libraries.
  7. Contact any financial institutions with which you have relationships (loans, etc.) and provide them documentation of your deployment. They may have policies allowing waivers of inactivity fees or deferment of loan payments during your time away.
  8. If it is necessary for you to withdraw from St. Andrews to comply with your orders, your file will be flagged by the Registrar as Withdrawn for Military Service. This will facilitate your readmission when you return.
  9. If you receive emergency orders and are not given time to accomplish the steps outlined above, we will assist you in making whatever arrangements are necessary for you to meet your responsibilities to the Armed Forces.

While you are away

  1. Maintain your St. Andrews email account. This is our way to keep in touch with you. Our Computer Services staff will flag your account as one not to be purged due to non-registration for classes.
  2. Keep in touch with us. Use the faculty/staff/student directories in Outlook to stay in touch with your professors and your advisor. Not only do we anticipate that you will continue as a student after your deployment, but we are interested in hearing about your service.
  3. If you receive orders to return to the St. Andrews area, we look forward to welcoming you back. If your orders take you to a different part of the country or the globe, please contact either the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or the Associate Dean for Adult and Extended Programs for assistance in transferring your credits.

Returning to St. Andrews

  1. When you receive orders to return to this area, please contact the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs who will assist you in your readmission.
  2. If you were away from St. Andrews less than two years, your file will be reactivated based on your written request. This request should be addressed to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.
  3. If you are deployed or away from St. Andrews longer than two years, you must complete an Application for Readmission found on the College website. Readmission application fees are waived for students returning from military deployment.
  4. Returning students are responsible for requesting official transcripts of all college work completed while away. This includes work at other colleges/universities and work completed through DANTES or other armed services educational activities. The Registrar will evaluate credits earned to determine which, if any, apply to your continuing degree pursuit.
  5. Contact the Financial Aid Office as soon as you receive orders to return to the area. Financial Aid Counselors will assist you in determining aid that is available to you.
  6. Once your readmission is processed, your academic advisor will be notified of your return. You should contact your advisor by phone or email to arrange your class schedule. Your advisor will also receive information about credits you earned while away that have been accepted for transfer.