Therapeutic Horsemanship Scholarship

Scholarship Requirements

  • Student must have demonstrated academic excellence.
  • Applying student must have an overall G.P.A. of 3.0 or above.
  • Two letters of reference:
    One from a non-related teacher or guidance counselor
    One from your riding instructor or the director of the therapeutic program where you have volunteered
  • Applying student must have documentation of having volunteered at least 20 hours at a PATH Intl. (formerly NARHA) Therapeutic Horsemanship Center.

Letters of reference, documentation of volunteer hours, and one page papers may be sent separately to [email protected] or mailed to SAU Equestrian, 9167 Hasty Rd., Laurinburg, NC 28352.

Eligibility for a Therapeutic Horsemanship Scholarship:

  • You must be an applicant of St. Andrews to apply for this scholarship.
  • You must be admitted to St. Andrews to be awarded this scholarship.

"*" indicates required fields

I will graduate from High School in*

Please write an essay to address ONE of the following questions

  1. What is the purpose of therapeutic horsemanship?
  2. After receiving PATH Intl. Instructor Certification, what do you see as the benefits of continuing education?
  3. What ethical dilemmas do you foresee having to face as a Therapeutic Horsemanship professional?
  4. What qualities, characteristics, and qualifications do you think a Therapeutic Horsemanship professional should possess and how do you fit into the model you described?

Additional Information